We are
Jennifer’s Messengers
Many American’s lose their lives each year due to impaired driving. Traffic fatalities are rising in states which have legalized marijuana. We believe this emerging danger needs to be dealt with–the public needs to be forewarned, and politicians need to consider this issue when accepting campaign contributions from the marijuana industry.

This painting was donated to our campaign by artist Stacy Emert, who lost both parents in a motor vehicle crash.
Blog Articles
PopPot blogs about marijuana risks, DUID, child deaths related to adult cannabis use, teen drug use, news stories and government reports.
A study of one of the first states to legalize marijuana finds cannabis-related traffic fatalities doubling.
Facts about DUID
We need our neighbors and elected officials to get wise about drugged driving. Please share this Smart Approaches to Marijuana fact sheet.
Visit the National Institute on Drug Abuse for more resources.
DUID Victims Voices
Our inspiration comes from Ed Wood and his informative website.
Creative Memes
Social media memes to share to educate others about the dangers of drug impaired driving.
Would you be willing to share your story of losing a friend or loved one to a marijuana-related auto fatality? You can remain anonymous. Please Contact us.
U.S. Marijuana Users
First Time Marijuana Users
Auto Crash Deaths 2019
% of Car Crashes are MJ Related

Make Safe Roads a Priority.
Stop The Marijuana Industry.

What is the Danger?
Increasing Traffic Fatalities
Fatal car crashes have tripled in the U.S. since Marijuana legalization began. In Ohio, car crashes are the leading cause of death for children. The numbers are staggering.

What Can We Do?

Reduce Impaired Driving
Ed Wood’s DUID Victims Voices offers principles and policies that will bring down highway and pedestrian deaths.
Engage More People on this Issue
Jennifer’s Messengers needs your help to make our roads safer for everyone. Please sign up to become a messenger for Jennifer.

Reverse the trend toward more legal marijuana.
Reduce traffic fatalities that take our loved ones.
Featured News Stories & Testimonials